Industry News

Stage Lighting Basics

Author 2024-07-17 11:03:39

Understanding Light and Its Properties


When it comes to stage lighting, it is vital to understand the basic attributes of light. Light is more than just its brightness. It has different characteristics that affect the way it interacts with the stage and performers.

Light Intensity: the brightness of the light. Different parts of a scene may require different brightness levels to convey the right mood or focus the audience's attention on specific areas.

Color: The color of the lighting can dramatically change the mood of a scene. Warm colors like red and orange can make people feel warm or angry. Cool colors like blue and green can make people feel calm or sad.

Directionality: The direction in which light strikes an object or person can change their appearance. Light from above can create strong shadows, while light from below can make things look odd.

Understanding how these features work together can make it easier to create the right atmosphere and ensure your audience's attention is where you want it.


Types of Light Sources

There are two main types of light sources used in stage lighting: natural light and artificial light.

Natural vs. artificial light: Natural light (e.g. sunlight) is not usually used for stage lighting because it is difficult to control. Conversely, artificial light sources are used because they are controllable and consistent.

Traditional Lighting Fixtures: These include incandescent and halogen lamps. Incandescent lamps produce a warm, natural light but are not energy efficient. Halogen lamps are a type of incandescent lamp, but are slightly more efficient. They produce a brighter, whiter light.

Modern lighting fixtures: LEDs and fluorescent lights are more energy efficient and versatile. LEDs have become popular for stage lighting because they can change color and have a long life. Fluorescent lamps are also energy efficient, but are not used much in stage lighting because they tend to flicker. 舞台灯光8

Lighting Terminology

In order to effectively talk about and use stage lighting, you need to understand some common terms:

Lumens: A measurement of the total amount of visible light emitted by a light source.

Wattage: A measurement of electrical power consumption.

Lantern: An alias for a stage light or lighting fixture.

Lamp: The actual bulb used inside a lighting fixture.

Wash: Wide, even illumination used to cover a large area of the stage.

Brightness: How bright the light is.

Diffusion: The scattering of light to produce a softer, more even spread.

Barn: An adjustable baffle on the side of the fixture that shapes the beam of light.

Louver: Similar to a shade, but typically used on ellipsoidal lights to more precisely shape the light.

Gel: A colored filter placed in front of a light to change its color.

Gobo: a template inserted into a light fixture to project a shape or pattern.

NO: A tube mounted on a light to control the direction and spread of the light beam.

Canopy (Cyc): A large, usually white curtain or wall used behind the stage to create a backdrop.

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